November 14, 2007

Iterations for SOA

SOA platform migration plan.

Resolve Dependency Among Applications

If you are planing to move your old applications to a SOA platform for all its benefits. You should resolve the dependency and the relation between applications. Any direct database/file/library access should be clearly defined.

Write Clear Interfaces to Connect Applications(WS)

Refactor your applications and extract interfaces that will be used among applications. You can easy export those interfaces with your app server or use XFIRE for easy wsdl and webs ervices.
This steps also includes java/XML binds XSD/WSDL definetions.

Generate notifications for external Listener(JMS)
to bind listeners, applications should trigger event via JMS. you can create Queues for any third party implementations.

Extract Process form code base to a BPM engine
define your process add flow via a visiual BPM/BPEL editor add run your process on the machine

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